Our forest keeps growing 🌳Together for a sustainable future.

Thanks to you, we have already been able to plant 5,723 trees in local forests .

Together for a sustainable future: COâ‚‚ compensation through reforestation projects without greenwashing.

Thanks to you, we have already been able to plant 5,723 trees in local forests and thus take a significant step towards COâ‚‚ neutrality.

And we are not stopping: Soon, another 901 seedlings will be put into the ground. In total, we have thus created a protected forest area of over 16,000 m².

What is the meaning of the term “sustainability” for GOF?

  • the production of our R-PET fabrics takes place in Germany using only European yarns – a real contribution to COâ‚‚ reduction
  • through the “Plant-My-Tree” reforestation programme, we completely offset the COâ‚‚ footprint of our recycled textiles within a few years
  • short transportation routes and state-of-the-art production facilities with the highest environmental standards are taken for granted by us
  • our production is and remains local in Germany and you are welcome to visit us in person
  • the chemicals used and the working conditions of our employees meet the highest European standards.

Remain part of this pioneering project and continue to rely on fabrics from our Retex+RC product family:

Re-DecoTex GFS | 7058RCGFS
DecoTex Blue | 7058RCO6GFS
Re-FrameTex GFS | 7188RCGFS
FrameTex Blue | 7188RCOGFS
Re-PolyCanvas GFS | 7582RCGFS
Re-Jetflag GS | 6144RCGS
Re-Beach K | 6953RCK
Re-Midnight Soft | 7186RC7RBBFS

Together we can make great things happen. Continue to support us on our journey.
