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6043 | DecoFlag FL

The standard in flag fabric, used worldwide, for constant reproducible print results, very good running behavior on all types of printers

6043K | StandardFlag K

The standard in flag fabric worldwide in use for constant reproducible printresults, very good running behavior on all printers.

6043KFL | StandardFlag KFL

The standard in flag fabric, used worldwide, for constant reproducible print results, very good running behavior on all printers.


6043SB | SeamTape

Perfect to seam beach flags and banners, easy to stretch and shape, available in a width of 12 cm, in white and black


Heavy flag fabric

6144BGS | Jetflag BGS

The standard in flag fabric, used worldwide, for constant reproducible print results, very good running behavior on all printers

6144CGS | Jetflag Life GS

Offers all the advantages of Jetflag, does not cause microplastics...

6144CK | Jetflag Life K

Offers all the advantages of Jetflag, does not cause microplastics

6144GS | Jetflag GS

The standard in flag fabric, used worldwide, for constant reproducible print results, ...

6144K | Jetflag K

Our well-known flag fabric Jetflag optimized for best possible print-through